September 15, 2023
Every year, the United States celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, during which we recognize the broad-ranging contributions of the Hispanic community to American culture, history, our economy, and society in general.
Hispanic Heritage Month represents an important opportunity every year to understand and celebrate Hispanics’ rich and extensive history, ties, and contributions in the U.S. and throughout the Western Hemisphere. Let’s embrace Hispanic Heritage, embrace learning and education, and empower positive changes that all Americans will benefit from, even if they don’t necessarily know it today.
The Hispanic community is already the largest ethnic minority in the United States, with more than 63 million Hispanics living in the country, with their origins ranging from nearly 20 different countries.
An important starting point in understanding the importance and impact of the Hispanic community across the country is to look at some of the key facts. Today, Hispanics in the U.S. represent more than 19% of the population or nearly one in five Americans. The continued growth of this community produces far-ranging economic, social, political, and cultural impacts. For example:
- 34.5 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in the United States, representing more than 14% of the U.S. electorate.
- The 118th United States Congress has a record of 52 Hispanic lawmakers in both the Republican and Democratic Parties and numerous Hispanic lawmakers in leadership positions.
- The total economic output of Hispanics in the United States is $2.8 trillion. If the U.S. Hispanic population were its own country, it would have the fifth largest GDP in the world.
- There are nearly 3 million Hispanic entrepreneurs in the United States.
- The median age of the Hispanic population is 30.7 years old, the lowest in comparison to other communities and minorities.
- There are 13 states with a population of over 1 million Hispanic residents.
- Venezuelans, Dominicans, and Guatemalans are the fastest-growing groups of Hispanic origin.
- In three states, Hispanics are already the largest ethnic group (New Mexico, California, and Texas).
- Most voters think it is likely the United States will elect a president whose first language is Spanish in the next 25 years.
- United States citizens consider Spanish to be the most important language for their children to learn after English.
The United States cannot be understood without its Hispanic Heritage. It is a fundamental part of America’s past, present, and future.
Likewise, any organization or company that wants to communicate effectively in today’s America must learn to communicate with the Hispanic population. Creating messages that resonate powerfully and generate impact with this fastest-growing consumer and voter group in the U.S. is a key opportunity to drive business growth and secure a competitive advantage.
Making strategic efforts to connect with the Hispanic community is not an extra expense for your communications campaigns, it’s an investment with a direct and long-term impact. To learn more about our Hispanic Engagement practice, please contact: Dave Herrero or Juan Ignacio Güenechea Rodríguez.