October 15, 2023
Across the United States, Hispanic Americans are at the forefront of profound economic, cultural, and societal trends. As this year’s commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month ends today, and consistent with LSG’s impact-driven mission as a company, we are celebrating how Hispanics are influencing all facets of life in the United States.
Demographic changes tell one side of the story of Hispanic impact. Since 2000, America’s Hispanic population has grown by 80%. More than 63 million people of Hispanic origin live in the United States. And the vast majority – more than 80% – have planted their roots here as U.S. citizens.
Thirteen states are home to more than one million Hispanic residents, including Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington. In Florida, more than one in four residents is Hispanic, and in both California and Texas, Hispanics represent the largest racial group.
Hispanic Americans are making substantial contributions to the U.S. economy. There are more than 375,000 Hispanic-owned businesses in the United States. That translates to more than one in 20 domestic businesses. With more than $100 billion in annual payroll and nearly 3 million employees, Hispanic employers are a critical source of good-paying jobs and support systems for American workers and their families.
Hispanic Americans are also a critical labor source for the U.S. economy. Hispanics have been instrumental in the U.S. energy industry, particularly in states like Texas and New Mexico, where they have worked in drilling, production, and distribution, helping meet the nation’s energy demands. Over 13 percent of front-line health care and social assistance workers in the U.S. are Hispanic. In 2020, a year marked by the pandemic, nearly 8% of newly licensed nurses in the United States were Hispanic.
Perhaps nowhere is the impact of Hispanics more important than in American agriculture. The food that’s grown domestically and sold in our local grocery stores could not be produced without Hispanics. Immigrant farmworkers make up about 73% of the country’s agriculture workforce, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and more than half of that workforce is Hispanic. From planting to harvesting, farm work requires high skills and is often grueling, requiring long hours in extreme weather and conditions.
Beyond the data and economics, Hispanics have had a profound impact on U.S. society and our local communities. Their rich cultural heritage, including traditions, food, music, and language, has become an integral part of American life, no matter where you live.
Like many Americans, Hispanics are also spending more time online consuming digital media. 97% of Hispanic households in the United States own a smartphone, and a whopping 85% of U.S. Hispanics are on social media platforms. Platforms like TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Twitter have likewise seen a surge in Hispanic influencers and content creators, giving a voice to the community and amplifying their cultural influence. And yet, corporate marketing trends are lagging, with less than half of the nearly 1,900 U.S. brands advertising on TV utilizing Spanish-language messaging and creative assets.
That’s why earlier this year LSG launched its Hispanic Engagement practice. Every day we are working with more U.S. companies and brands helping them to improve their impact with U.S. Hispanic audiences. We invite you to join us and learn more!
To learn more about our Hispanic Engagement practice, please contact: Dave Herrero or Juan Ignacio Güenechea Rodríguez.